The Automation Instrumentation Summit will take place in Italy on 5-6 July 2017

9 Giugno 2017
Automation Instrumentation Summit

The Automation Instrumentation Summit will take place in Castello Belgioioso PV near Milano, Italy on 5-6 July 2017


The worldwide recession can become an opportunity for us to look at what we have done so far, and identify the best strategies for future improvements.

All relators will have the opportunity to present their papers based on case histo­ries and share common experience with all the other expertise during the AIS-ISA Italy conference and in the meantime the manufacturers will have the opportunity to showcase their product and solutions at the stands of the Exhibition.


Why Italy?

Castello Belgioioso is an historic venue that will let visitors reflect on the great efforts of our predecessors. Italy is the cradle of creativity, from Leonardo da Vinci to Galileo Galilei, Enrico Fermi and Giulio Natta. Italy is also the place where industry leaders like Tecnimont, Saipem, Technip, Techint and Foster Wheeler are located with many Oil and Gas, Petrochemical, Power and Steel plants from all over the world. Many local suppliers have been supporting this international success and they are proud to share their experience and case history of successful projects worldwide with other international and suppliers within the market. This 2 days conference will provide an excellent opportunity for all to participate in discussions on automation, instrumentation, analyzers, communication, control systems, SCADA, safety, fire and gas, integration and cybersecurity.

For more detailed information, please visit

To register online you can visit the following site:

Fonte: AIS-ISA Italy

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