12th Pipeline Technology Conference (PTC), Berlino (Germany)
02 - 04 Maggio 2017

Estrel Convention Center, Berlin. Germany
From 2-4 May 2017 Europe’s leading pipeline conference and exhibition, the Pipeline Technology Conference, will take place for the 12th time. The 12th ptc offers again opportunities for operators as well as technology and service providers to exchange latest technologies and new developments supporting the energy strategies world-wide. More than 600 delegates are expected to attend the 12th ptc in Berlin.
The practical nature of ptc was always based on the cooperation with our technical and scientific supporters and on a top-class international advisory committee. The conference will feature lectures and presentations on all aspects surrounding oil, gas, water and product pipeline systems. One of the focus topics at ptc 2017 will be “Pipeline Construction”.
Please take a closer look into the Conference Program and get involved now – register as conference delegate or reserve your booth at the accompanying exhibition.
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