Gas, LNG & The Future of Energy Conference, Londra (UK)

22 - 23 Ottobre 2024
London, Regno Unito

Connect with Wood Mackenzie’s experts and industry professionals to find out more about pathway forward for the future of gas and LNG, North America’s domestic dynamics and the implications for global LNG markets. How AI will transform gas and you can also explore the key developments impacting LNG shipping.

Join us at the second annual Wood Mackenzie Gas, LNG & The Future of Energy Conference in the City of London from 22-23 October 2024 for industry expert insights and debates to gain a global perspective on themes including:

  • Today’s solution, tomorrow’s problem – what is the future for gas and LNG?
  • A pathway forward for the future of gas and LNG in Asia
  • Examining lowering of emissions within the gas and LNG industry
  • How will AI transform gas and energy?
  • North America: domestic dynamics and implications on global LNG markets
  • What are the emerging technologies that could transform the gas and LNG industry?
  • Diversifying and sourcing new LNG supply
  • Financing gas and LNG through the energy transition
  • The future of pipelines, regasification, and storage in Europe
  • Contracts: pricing, flexibility, and indexation – what is the way forward?
  • Exploring key developments impacting LNG shipping


Click here for more information


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Testata giornalistica registrata presso il Tribunale di Milano in data 07.02.2017 al n. 60

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