Oman Energy & Water Expo 2021, Muscat (Oman)

29 Novembre - 1 Dicembre 2021
Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre، Mascate, Oman

Oman Energy & Water Conference & Exhibition is an international event dedicated to the water and wastewater industry along with power generation, renewable and alternative energy, transmission and distribution-related industries.

The event is the annual gathering for PAEW where they meet their partners, contractors and suppliers and is designed to be the largest platform for stakeholders to discuss real issues and solutions pertaining to the automation, energy and water challenges and opportunities in Oman.



The Oman Energy & Water Exhibition and Conference is designed to create a platform for stakeholders to discuss real issues and solutions to the energy and water challenges and opportunities in Oman. It will also discuss ways to improved collaboration among local key sectors in both public and private to share information and to forge joint initiatives in order to achieve a sustainable planning for the future.

Reasons To Exhibit

  • Raise your company profile and awareness.
  • Showcase your products and technologies and develop new customer bases.
  • Gain unique access to the international power generation industries.
  • Explore business opportunities and meet new partners in dynamic surroundings.
  • Create an unrivalled platform for sales leads and make lasting relationships with customers.
  • Gain access to the industry’s most influential decision makers in three days.
  • Stay ahead of your competition.
  • Meet potential customers face-to-face

Click here for more information

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Testata giornalistica registrata presso il Tribunale di Milano in data 07.02.2017 al n. 60

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