OMC 2021, Ravenna (Italy)

28 - 30 Settembre 2021
OMC logo
Pala De André, Viale Europa, 1, Ravenna, RA, Italia

OMC is the largest exhibition and conference dedicated to the Energy Industry, which covers all the sectors and activities related to Energy, Renewables, Oil & Gas Industry, Offshore and Onshore in the Mediterranean, and North Africa.

OMC 2021 will be held from 28 – 30 September in Ravenna, Italy.

OMC’s 15th edition promises to be even better: with almost 30 years helping the industry grow, OMC is now providing the energy industry with a hybrid platform where the traditional O&G and the sustainable energy sectors meet to set the driving routes to face the growing global energy demand and sustainability needs. OMC has a key role in the Mediterranean region and beyond in connecting and assessing the role that clean energies, natural gas and renewables can play in collaboration with the oil and gas industry of the future.



The Innovation Room:

To attract and get young generations involved in the energy transition path the new arena called Innovation room will engage universities, start-ups, companies and investors in presentations and contests to exploit the potential of fresh ideas and turn them into new projects and solutions for the industry.

Strategic plenary and panel sessions:

The new energy scenario, heavily stressed by the world pandemic and oil price volatility, prompts us to discuss on an ample spectrum of issues: from strategies and new business models to reverse the economic downturn and face long-term challenges to investments and policy requirements which will help the industry  evolve towards a net zero future.

The power of Alliance:

Alliances will play a tremendous role in the future energy scenario as they become strategical to enable companies to produce lower carbon emissions, enhance efficiency and performance and remain competitive.

This is why OMC 2021 will boost partnerships between energy operators, contractors, institutions and consumers to unlock huge business potentials.


To know more about the exhibition and to book an area please contact +39 06 30883030 /

To attend the conference please contact +39 0544219418 /


Previous edition




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