PPIM 2021 will be a virtual conference for 2021. Exhibiting companies will be included in an interactive Solutions Directory of products and services in pipeline pigging, inspection, repair and integrity management.


Technical papers will cover:
ILI data assessment, Prioritization of repairs, New tools, Improving tool performance, External coating inspection with ILI tools, Pig launch and receiving systems, New regulations, Is your pipeline clean enough? …and much more.

Access more than 100 providers of specific products and services for your pipeline operations & maintenance requirements.

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Testata giornalistica registrata presso il Tribunale di Milano in data 07.02.2017 al n. 60 Editrice Industriale è associata a:


Testata giornalistica registrata presso il Tribunale di Milano in data 07.02.2017 al n. 60

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