SEF Forum & Exhibition 2018, Kiev (Ukraine)
16 - 19 Ottobre 2018
17 - 21 Marzo 2025
ISH 2025, Francoforte (Germany)
18 - 19 Marzo 2025
Paperless Lab Academy 2025, Milano (Italy)
25 - 27 Marzo 2025
European Coatings Show 2025, Norimberga (Germany)
25 - 27 Marzo 2025
Fastener Fair Global 2025, Stoccarda (Germany)
10th Sustainable Energy Forum and Exhibition of Eastern Europe
Join the world-known experts, global market players of energy efficiency, renewable energy and modern energy solutions and decision makers building new energy landscape of Eastern Europe who arrive to SEF-2017 KYIV.
For the last nine years, SEF KYIV has confirmed its status as the premier independent business platform for sustainable energy industry development in Eastern Europe offering high qualitative agenda, outstanding audience and exceptional opportunities for meetings.
SEF FORUM 2018 for business:
- 88 speakers CEO, Top-managers of governmental bodies and companies, owners, international experts.
- 3 days Access to the Forum program including 4 focus conferences on Solar Energy, Wind Power, Bioenergy and ESCO.
- 400+ delegates & plenty opportunities for the Networking with all main players involved into the sustainable energy industry of Eastern Europe.
Do not miss an important meeting because of busyness of the exhibitors on October 10th and 11th. Meet with them and many decision-makers without rush on October 9th!
(From 10 am to 5 pm)
Meet all energy technologies changing the landscape of energy industry and the world at allat the premier exhibition for renewable energy, energy efficiency and other new energy technologies in Ukraine and Eastern European region.
Visit the SEF Dinner and Party; SEF AWARDS and gain from networking lunches, coffee-breaks and many more.
Do not miss all these valuable opportunities to get together with the people who are building the industry of sustainable energy of Eastern Europe.
SEF EXPO for householders, B2C.
50+ companies – exhibitors:
Meet the producers and providers of solutions, technologies and equipment from all over the world.
Get the best possible quotes and proposals for your solar energy, wind energy, bioenergy and energy efficiency project.
Seminars for householders and small business
On October 11th, visit the seminars which will help you to make your house more energy efficient.
You will study how to install PV system, what advantages you will get, calculate your passive income.
You will listen to the householders who have already installed renewable energy equipment, got “green tariff” and has passive income from their PV systems.
You will find out how to replace your car on electric vehicle and even how to make an electric vehicle by your own and many more.