Waste Management and Contaminated Land Regime(s) in European Law
25 Marzo 2021
This webinar will address two key areas in both European environmental policies and national regulations.
The first one covers the legal principles and main rules in Waste Management (WM). The distinction between what is legally ‘waste’ and what is not waste – but, possibly, by-product – has been mainly shaped by the decisions of the European Courts, that will be presented and discussed. This will drive the webinar the the area of Circular Economy, that during the coming years will be influencing all aspects of Waste management. Finally, the growing field of environmental liability in waste management will be addressed.
The second area is related to contamination and remediation of polluted areas. In spite of not being directly covered by European Directives, this part of the law is strongly influenced by two sectors of European regulation: one is environmental liability (Directive 2004/35/EC) and the other is the discipline of the baseline report provided by the Industrial Emissions Directive (Directive 2010/75/EU). After the presentation of these aspects and of the problems they raise, this part of the webinar will shortly discuss the different aspects of CLRs in some European countries.
1. Waste Management (WM)
- Definition of Waste and distinction with By-Products: Decisions of the EU Courts
- Waste and the Circular Economy
- Waste Management and Environmental Liability
2. Contaminated Land Regimes (CLRs)
- Definition of Contaminated Land Regime
- Role of national legislation and role of European rules in shaping the national Contaminated Land Regimes
- Different Contaminated Land Regimes in the EU: main aspects
Luciano Butti, B&P Lawyers (IT)
THURSDAY 25 MARCH 2021 / 10:00 – 13:00
Organised by Sardinia Academy of Waste Management