WWETT 2021, Indianapolis (USA)
3 - 5 Maggio 2021

Indiana Convention Center, 100 S Capitol Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46225, Stati Uniti
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The WWETT Show – Water & Wastewater Equipment, Treatment & Transport Show – is the world’s largest annual trade show for wastewater and environmental service professionals.
The event offers an unmatched educational program, a full slate of live demos, an array of networking opportunities, and an extensive expo floor where buyers and sellers come together to see and experience the latest product innovations and technology.
Known as the premier global wastewater event of the year, the WWETT Show is home to municipalities, plumbers, portable sanitation professionals, septic contractors, sewer contractors and wastewater professionals.
Connecting manufacturers with representatives highlights the importance of seeking ideas and solutions from respected leaders in the industry and creates a customized trade show experience all under one roof.