FLIR Introduces Quasar™ 4x2K Panoramic Security Camera

27 Dicembre 2017
Panoramic Security Camera

FLIR Systems introduced the Quasar 4x2K panoramic camera featuring four, full-high-definition visible sensors


The latest security camera in the FLIR Quasar family, the 4x2K produces 4K resolution for highly detailed scenes. The mini-dome camera offers wide area surveillance to monitor cities, critical infrastructure, and other high-profile security areas.

Offering interchangeable field-of-view options of 180- and 360-degrees, the Quasar 4x2K can replace multiple individual cameras, allowing security operators to reduce the number of security cameras required for monitoring wide areas. With automatic stitching that combines the four sensors into a 180-degree view, the camera generates a highly detailed, seamless image that eliminates blind spots and scene duplication. Built-in infrared illumination automatically adjusts to the 180- or 360-degree viewing mode and monitors without the need to illuminate the scene.

The Quasar 4x2K integrates with FLIR’s video management systems (VMS) and major third-party VMS. Using a one-step configuration process that guarantees quick and efficient mounting, the Quasar 4x2K easily adjusts to either 180- or 360-degree viewing mode in the field. With an IP67 environmentally-rated dome enclosure to withstand mist, rain, and accidental submersion, the Quasar 4x2K provides 24/7 video surveillance either in- or outdoors.

The Quasar 4x2K camera is available to purchase now through established FLIR dealers and integrators. For more information on the Quasar 4x2K panoramic camera and FLIR’s complete enterprise camera line, visit

Fonte FLIR Systems



Informazioni su FLIR Systems
Fondata nel 1978 e con sede a Wilsonville, Oregon, FLIR Systems è il leader mondiale nella produzione di sistemi basati su sensori che migliorano la percezione e innalzano il livello di consapevolezza, contribuendo a salvare vite umane, a migliorare la produttività e a proteggere l’ambiente. I suoi 3500 dipendenti condividono e alimentano la visione FLIR “World’s Sixth Sense”, sfruttando l’imaging termico e le tecnologie complementari per fornire soluzioni innovative e intelligenti per la sicurezza e la sorveglianza, il monitoraggio ambientale e delle condizioni, le attività ricreative all’aperto, il machine vision, la navigazione e la rilevazione avanzata di minacce. Per maggiori informazioni, visita e segui @flir.

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