Mitsubishi Chemical starts production of styrenic thermoplastic elastomer

8 Marzo 2018
styrenic thermoplastic elastomer

Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation continues to expand the thermoplastic elastomer lineup


Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation started production of styrenic thermoplastic elastomer (TPS) at Mitsubishi Chemical Performance Polymers (Thailand) Co., Ltd., its subsidiary in Thailand in January 2018.

TEFABLOC™” is one of the core brands of Mitsubishi Chemical’s thermoplastic elastomers. The Company has an extensive lineup of various elastomers such as olefinic, styrenic, and polyester. TPS is used in many fields such as automotive, building, electronics, food packaging, and healthcare. Currently, Mitsubishi Chemical manufactures TPS in Japan, China, the United States, Europe and Brazil.

In Southeast Asia, the company so far supplies TPS by exporting from those countries. However, TPS demand has locally increased in recent years mainly in the automotive and food packaging fields. To meet this robust market demand, Mitsubishi Chemical has decided to start TPS production in the rapid growing country.

With this production launch, the lineup of thermoplastic elastomers in Thailand will expand to four brands*.

The international company will continue to expand the thermoplastic elastomer lineup to meet diverse needs of our customers and further accelerate the growth of our performance polymers business.

Source Mitsubishi Chemical


* Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation currently produces  three brands in Thailand, namely, “THERMORUN™” – thermoplastic elastomer for automotive airbags, “TREXPRENE™” – crosslinked olefinic thermoplastic elastomer, and “SUNPRENE™” – flexible PVC compounds.

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