Waste management

Landfill gas: modelling and management

The webinar “Landfill gas: modelling and management” provides a comprehensive overview on biogas production from landfills, its extraction and transportation as well as possibilities for LFG utilization. Based on the fundamentals of anaerobic fermentation processes, basics on LFG production modeling will be presented, including the approaches used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)


Hydrogen Conference 2024, Londra (UK)

Explore the industry developments to unlock hydrogen’s role in the energy transition with Wood Mackenzie’s hydrogen research analysts as well as industry thought leaders to explore as they also examine key drivers and challenges of deploying low-carbon hydrogen. Key conference themes for 2024 include:  Exploring the long-term outlook for hydrogen Financing and cost pressures of

Waste management

Basics of Landfill Aeration

Landfills are a source of significant emissions in terms of polluted leachate and greenhouse gases which mainly occur under conventional operating conditions (i.e., anaerobic conditions). When considering the specific type and quality, and quite often lack of, barriers, these leachate and gas emissions may result in a significant negative impact on the environment. Landfill aeration

Waste management

Leachate recirculation: objectives, design, operation and control

Recirculation of leachate has been practised for more than 40 years and is now commonplace around the world. Often it has been undertaken with little prior design thought and insufficient monitoring. During the last decade, the subject has been reviewed in a more structured way, with regard to objectives, design, operational performance data and monitoring


iPharma 2022, Londra (UK)

3rd International Pharmaceutical Conference and Expo welcome you as our guest to London, UK on May 09-10, 2022. i-Pharma 2022 includes nearly every permutation of knowledge, innovation, technology, and networking; and has the objective of creating an international forum for academicians, practitioners, and business professionals to discuss the soundest issues related to Pharma, Biotech, and Health Care.

MediPharm Expo 2025

MEDI-PHARM EXPO 2022, Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam)

The International Medical, Hospital and Pharmaceutical Exhibition in Ho Chi Minh City is a typical and comprehensive event in health sector held annually under the support and sponsorship of the MINISTRY OF HEALTH of Vietnam.


Vision 2022, Stoccarda (Germany)

The industry’s most important international meeting point offers a unique platform in Stuttgart. Experience the latest products, technologies and trend themes of machine vision such as embedded vision, hyperspectral imaging and deep learning!

APPEA 2017

APPEA, Perth (Australia)

The APPEA Conference and Exhibition is the Australian upstream oil and gas industry’s premier annual event. APPEA 2017 will bring together oil and gas professionals, industry leaders, analysts and policymakers from across Australia and around the world. APPEA has again produced an outstanding three-day conference program.


Chemistry Research 2019, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

14thConference of Chemistry Research on December 06-07, 2018 in Amsterdam-“The City of Attraction”, Netherlands, with the subject, “Enabling propelled point of view and novel ideas in Chemistry”.

Energy Storage Global

Energy Storage Global Conference 2021, Brussels (Belgium)

The Energy Storage Global Conference offers a unique opportunity to industry, researchers and policymakers to exchange views on key issues for the storage sector. Representatives from around the world will come together for three days to discuss the latest developments in energy storage technologies, regulatory and policy frameworks, and the future storage market. The fourth

Waste management

Industrial Waste Management – New opportunities

This webinar will address industrial waste management, starting from the presentation of basic definitions, statistics & practices and reaching out to new opportunities that arise through the adoption of modernized approaches. The inadequate management and disposal of industrial waste has been identified historically and continues to be so today under some conditions, particularly in developing

Testata giornalistica registrata presso il Tribunale di Milano in data 07.02.2017 al n. 60 Editrice Industriale è associata a:


Testata giornalistica registrata presso il Tribunale di Milano in data 07.02.2017 al n. 60

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