SMART MT500 is the result of more than 35 years of experience in Gas Detection design and development by our company SES ASA Engineering to protect people and plant against Fire & Gas Hazards
The design and features of SMART MT500 represents the state of the art in Toxic and Combustible/Flammable Gas Detection, in a single unit with one channel or two independent channels; these features allows to cut installation cost as well as routine maintenance cost.
More than 35 years of research made possible to introduce in the market a compact, reliable and easy maintenance Gas Detection Technology, which covers all application from Catalytic to Infrared, Electrochemical and Nano MOS plug-in sensing element type. Each sensor can be connected to a single or dual channel Universal Transmitter, even for remote installation up to 300 m, regardless of what detection technology is used.
This innovative and patented technology allows to solve the worst problem for Gas Detectors: hot replacement of sensing element and of sintered inlet filter within 5 minutes to assure minimum down time and cost and keep constant response time! The possibility to replace or clean the filter is extremely important for off-shore and near sea applications where salt and humidity are always present. Salt solidify closing the filter porosity making gas entering into the sensor very low if not null.
Source SES-ASA Engineering