Turboden Strengthens the After-Sales Service in Japan

21 Febbraio 2018

Turboden signs an Agreement with the Japanese Company Kameyama Electric Co. for the Service supply


Turboden, a group company of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), leader in Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) turbogenerators for distributed power generation employing renewable sources and waste heat, signed an agreement with Kameyama Electric Co. to provide after-sales service for Organic Rankine Cycle power generators in the Japanese market.

Kameyama Electric Co., Ltd. is a Japanese based company that designs, manufactures and sells various control equipment about automation and electric apparatus, software and customized service.

Thanks to this collaboration Turboden reinforces its after-sales service in the Japanese market, ensuring its support to the customers by service contracts aiming to supply assistance and maintenance in power generation plants, not only to its customers, but also to those previously supplied by other companies.

“This agreement will contribute to the spread of ORC technology in Japan – said Alessandro Piubelli, Turboden Commissioning, Service & Aftersales Director – I’m sure that Kameyama Electric Co. will strength our capability to support our customers in Japan with first-class affordable maintenance services, reducing our reaction time and improving the availability of our fleet”.

Turboden manages an ORC fleet of more than 355 units in 38 countries and the first commercial ORC unit is still in operation after more than 18 years. The trained service team is composed by thermal experts, service engineers and field technicians.


Fonte Turboden

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